1. The traditional change model consists of three steps: unfreezing, that is, recognizing the need for change because of some event or threat

1. The traditional change model consists of three steps: unfreezing, that is, recognizing the need for change because of some event or threat, the actual change actions and refreezing, that is, incorporat- ing new ways of operating, and thinking into the everyday operations of the organization. Apply this model to the situation at the Coca-Cola Company at the point when the lawsuit was served in 1999.

2.How would you describe the leadership styles of four of the CEOs mentioned in this case (Investor, Daft, Isdell, and Kent) in terms of their abilities both to accomplish strategic goals and to manage the people?


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3.How does Parker’s triangle, “The Emotional Connection of Distinguishing Differences and Conflict,” help to explain (a) why so many minority employees joined the class-action lawsuit and (b) how Coca-Cola failed to “manage diversity”?

4.Specifically, how does the Coca-Cola Company today exemplify the business case for diversity? Going forward, what threats could there be to the continuation of Coca-Cola’s progress in terms of diversity management?

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