HOMEWORK GUIDE | Chapter 10: Managing assessment, record keeping, and reporting

1. How could you use rubrics as tools for students to self-assess their learning?

2. When is the best situation to use a student portfolio?


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Chapter 11: Managing communication with students, caregivers, and others.

1. Discuss Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain?

2. How do we use Bloom’s Taxonomy to form questions and design activities at higher or

multiple levels of thinking?

Chapter 12: Managing the work of paraprofessionals, substitute teachers, and student teachers, and contact with advocates

1. Explain the definition of the word: paraprofessional

2. Discuss the difference among the work of paraprofessionals, substitute teachers, and student teachers

Chapter 13: Managing emotional trauma and job-related stress productively

1. Discuss one major source of increased teacher stress found in the behavior of students.

2. Discuss time pressure as a major source of teacher stress.

Chapter 14: It’s your turn: show your understanding of the following topics

1. The Council for Exceptional Children gives strong attention to students with special talents, but not to students with disabilities.

2. The No Child Left Behind Act places a very strong emphasis on teacher and school

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