In your write-up, please write a minimum of two pages (double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman is acceptable) answering the questions listed below.
- How did the marketing campaign for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire mark a departure from a traditional marketing campaign for a movie? What was innovative about the marketing approach adopted by Lionsgate?
- A good transmedia storytelling campaign should be persistent, pervasive, participatory, and personalized. Critically evaluate the campaign based on these elements.
- Discuss why Lionsgate focused on engaging existing fans rather than attracting new customers to the movie. Do you agree with the decision to not focus on other segments like older customers or male customers?
- Carefully review all the creative and media tactics used in the campaign. What did Lionsgate do well and what could have been done better?
You will be graded on the depth of your analysis. Use relevant points from the case to justify your responses. If you recognize multiple points (e.g., there may be several ways that the campaign departed from traditional campaigns) so be sure to include them all. Use this case write-up to show that you are able to draw out relevant information from the case, and use them to argue your point. As outlined in the syllabus a portion of your case grade will also be based on your involvement in the class discussion.
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