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Write My Essay For MeThe concept of leadership as a “vocation” greatly distinguishes leadership from a job, career, or what one simply does for a living. A vocation can be thought of as one’s calling. Vocation is often associated with the clergy or missionaries who feel called by a higher power to fulfill a specific purpose. Vocation is also a concept associated with careers like teachers, emergency responders, doctors, or other health care professionals who feel strongly compelled to dedicate their own lives to improving the lives of those whom they serve. Consider your own view of leadership. How does understanding leadership as a vocation inform your understanding of the personal and moral commitments required of leaders? If leadership is not a job, but a calling, what responsibilities do leaders have towards their position, their organization, and their followers?
Leadership is a complex process that requires leaders to critically appraise the circumstances in which they find themselves to best determine how to lead and influence those around them. There are multiple tactics a leader can employ in any given circumstance to influence a situation or their followers. Compare two leaders you have dealt with in the past. What different tactics did these leaders employ to influence situations or people? Which tactics were successful? Which tactics were not successful? As a leader, how can you critically appraise situations to make sure you select appropriate tactics for influencing a given situation?
1. Advanced practice nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession
Read Chapters 1-3 and 18.
2. Theoretical Basis for Nursing
Read Chapter 1.
Electronic Resource
1. The APRN Consensus Model
Read “APRN Consensus Model,” located on the NCSBN website.
2. The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice
Study “The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice,” located on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing website.
3. The Essentials of Master’s Education for Advanced Practice Nursing
Study “The Essentials of Master’s Education for Advanced Practice Nursing,” located on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing website.
4. The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health
Read “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advocating Health,” located on the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine website.
Read the IOM report “The future of nursing: Leading change, advocating health,” located on the Institute of Medicine’s website.
1. American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Explore the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners website.
2. American Nurses Association
Explore the American Nurses Association website.
3. American Organization of Nurse Executives
Explore the American Organization of Nurse Executives website.
4. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists
Explore the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists website.
5. National Council of State Boards of Nursing
Explore the National Council of State Boards of Nursing website.
6. National League for Nursing
Explore the National League for Nursing website.
7. National Nursing Staff Development Organization
Explore the National Nursing Staff Development Organization website.
Review “Case 3.1: A Strained Research Team,” located in Chapter 3 of the textbook, Leadership: Theory and Practice. Post a 250-300 word response to the questions located at the end of the case. In your response, be sure to address the strengths and weaknesses of the three-skill approach in this situation.
Review “Case 4.1: A Drill Sergeant at First,” located in Chapter 4 of the textbook, Leadership: Theory and Practice. Post a 250-300 word response to the questions located at the end of case. In your response, be sure to address the strengths and weaknesses of the behavioral approach to leadership in this situation.
1. Advanced practice nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession
Read Chapters 23-27.
2. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
Read Chapters 2 and 3.
Electronic Resource
1. A Nurse’s Guide to the Use of Social Media
Read “A Nurse’s Guide to the Use of Social Media,” located on the NCSBN website.
2. Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements
Read “Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements,” located on the American Nurses Association website.
3. Purnell Model for Cultural Competence
Read “Purnell Model for Cultural Competence,” by Purnell, from the Journal of Multicultural Nursing and Health (2005).
4. Status of Cultural Competence in Nursing Education: A Literature Review
Read “Status of Cultural Competence in Nursing Education: A Literature Review,” by Grant and Letzring, from the Journal of Multicultural Nursing & Health (2003).
e-Library Resource
1. Culture Care Theory: A Proposed Practice Theory Guide for Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care Settings
Read “Culture Care Theory: A Proposed Practice Theory Guide for Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care Settings,” by McFarland and Eipperle, from Contemporary Nurse (2008).
2. Defining End of Life Care from Perspectives of Nursing Ethics
Read “Defining End of Life Care from Perspectives of Nursing Ethics,” by Izumi, Nagae, Sakurai, and Imamura, from Nurse Ethics (2012).
3. Developing Ethical Skills: From Sensitivity to Action
Read “Developing Ethical Skills: From Sensitivity to Action,” by Robichaux, from Critical Care Nurse (2012).
4. Interventions to Improve Cultural Competency in Healthcare: A Systematic Review of Reviews
Read “Interventions to Improve Cultural Competency in Healthcare: A Systematic Review of Reviews,” byTruong, Paradies and Priest, from BCM Health Services Research (2014).
5. Moral Courage and the Nurse Leader
Read “Moral Courage and the Nurse Leader,” by Edmonson, from OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing (2010).
1. ANA’s Social Networking Principles Toolkit
Explore the Social Networking Principles Toolkit page of the ANA website.
2. Cultural Profiles of Countries
Explore the “The World Factbook” website.
3. Diversity Rx
Explore the Diversity Rx website.
4. The Career and Education Resource for Minority Nursing Professionals, Students, and Faculty
Explore the The Career and Education Resource for Minority Nursing Professionals, Students, and Faculty website.
As discussed in Topic 1, effective leaders apply various leadership tactics depending upon the contexts in which they find themselves. Consider the leadership tactics, traits, or models you find yourself drawn to as a leader. Why are you drawn to these particular tactics, traits, or models? How do they interconnect with your own personal, moral, ethical, or religious beliefs? Do you think the personal, moral, ethical, or religious beliefs of leaders can interfere with their ability to effectively lead? Why or why not?
Select a leader you believe successfully led an organization through a crisis or challenge (e.g., public relations crisis, marketing mishap, shift in market demand, reorganization). Identify the leader and the company with which the leader is affiliated. Provide brief context for the crisis or challenge. Identify the leadership models and approaches that were employed in the handling of the situation. Finally, explain why you think the leadership was particularly effective in this context.
1. Advanced practice nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession
Read Chapters 18-22.
2. Theoretical Basis for Nursing
Read Chapters 1, 2, and 12.
Electronic Resource
1. Initial Course Survey
In an effort for continuous improvement, Grand Canyon University would like you to take this opportunity to provide feedback about your experience with the university. Your participation is appreciated. Click on the link to begin the survey.
2. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
Read “Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not,” located on the Penn Libraries website.
e-Library Resource
1. Beyond Rhetoric to Role Accountability: A Practical and Professional Model of Practice
Read “Beyond Rhetoric to Role Accountability: A Practical and Professional Model of Practice,” by O’Rourke, from Nurse Leader (2006).
2. Career Pathways in Nursing: Entry Points and Academic Progression
Read “Career Pathways in Nursing: Entry Points and Academic Progression,” by Raines and Taglaireni, from OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing (2008).
3. Development of a Professional Nursing Framework: The Journey Towards Nursing Excellence
Read “Development of a Professional Nursing Framework: The Journey Towards Nursing Excellence,” by Mensik, Maust, Scott, and Horton, from the Journal of Nursing Administration (2011).
1. Academic Center for Evidence-Based Practice (ACE)
Explore the Academic Center for Evidence-Based Practice (ACE) website.
2. Nursing Theory
Explore the Nursing Theory Link website, including the “Nursing Theories and Models” and “Nursing Theorists” tabs.
3. The Nursing Theory
Explore The Nursing Theory website.
What are the strengths and weakness of transformational leadership theory and leader-member theory (LMX)? How might your knowledge of the LMX theory help you to become a better leader?
How would you apply the transformational theory leader-member theory (LMX) to improve an organization’s performance? Discuss in the context of your own organization, an organization you have belonged to in the past, or another existing organization that would benefit from significant organizational improvement.
1. Theoretical Basis for Nursing
Review Chapters 2 and 3-5.
e-Library Resource
1. A Cross-Cultural Comparison of a Clinical Nurse Competency Path Model
Read “A Cross-Cultural Comparison of a Clinical Nurse Competency Path Model,” by Sportsman, Hamilton, and Schumacker, from International Journal of Nursing Education (2014).
2. Complex Adaptive Systems: Concept Analysis
Read “Complex Adaptive Systems: Concept Analysis,” by Holden, from the Journal of Advanced Nursing (2005).
3. Concept Analysis of Professional Socialization in Nursing
Read “Concept Analysis of Professional Socialization in Nursing” from Nursing Forum (2013).
4. Developing and Testing a Middle-Range Theory of the Well-Being Supportive Physical Environment of Home-Dwelling Elderly
Read “Developing and Testing a Middle-Range Theory of the Well-Being Supportive Physical Environment of Home-Dwelling Elderly,” by Satu, Maria, Arja, and Helvi, from the The Scieintific World Journal (2013).
5. Enhancing Methodological Clarity: Principle-based Concept Analysis
Read “Enhancing Methodological Clarity: Principle-based Concept Analysis,” by Penrod and Hupcey, from the Journal of Advanced Nursing (2005).
6. From Practice to Midrange Theory and Back Again: Beck’s Theory of Postpartum Depression
Read “From Practice to Midrange Theory and Back Again: Beck’s Theory of Postpartum Depression,” by Lasiuk and Ferguson, from Advances in Nursing Science (2005).
7. Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing
Read “Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing,” by Barbara Carper, from Advances in Nursing Science (1978).
8. Patterns of Knowing: Review, Critique, and Update
Read “Patterns of Knowing: Review, Critique, and Update,” by White, from Advances in Nursing Science (1995).
9. The Living Tree of Nursing Theories
Read “The Living Tree of Nursing Theories,” by Tourville and Ingalls, from Nursing Forum (2003).
Select an individual that you believe exhibits authentic leadership. This individual can be historical or contemporary. Provide specific examples that support how this person exhibits authentic leadership. What is the role of authentic leadership in creating trust and followership in this example, and how can it improve organizations?
Christian servant leaders profess to serve those whom they lead through love and the moral obligation to promote the greater good of others. What leadership behaviors would you expect from a Christian servant leader and how might those behaviors differ from someone who is not a servant leader. Also, although servant leadership is often associated with the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ, do you believe servant leadership is compatible with other religions or worldviews? Why or why not?
1. Theoretical Basis for Nursing
Read Chapters 6-9 and 17-18.
Electronic Resource
1. A Multidimensional Analysis of the Epistemic Origins of Nursing Theories, Models, and Frameworks
Read “A Multidimensional Analysis of the Epistemic Origins of Nursing Theories, Models, and Frameworks,” by Beckstead and Beckstead, from the International Journal of Nursing Studies (2006).
e-Library Resource
1. Evolution of the Science of Unitary Human Beings: The Conceptual System, Theory Development, and Research and Practice Methodologies
Read “Evolution of the Science of Unitary Human Beings: The Conceptual System, Theory Development, and Research and Practice Methodologies,” by Fawcett, from the Visions: THe Journal of Rogerian Nursing Science (2015).
2. The Evaluation of Nursing Theory: A Method for Our Madness
Read “The Evaluation of Nursing Theory: A Method for Our Madness,” by Dudley-Brown, from the International Journal of Nursing Studies (1997).
3. Toward a North-South Dialogue: Revisiting Nursing Theory (From the South)
Read “Toward a North-South Dialogue: Revisiting Nursing Theory (From the South),” by Salas, from Advances in Nursing Science (2005).
What are the strengths and weakness of adaptive leadership? What particular challenges might an adaptive leader encounter in encouraging their followers to solve their own problems and challenges?
How do you think individuals’ preconceived notions, prejudices, and their own interpretations of other cultures impact the workplace? How might you employ the psychodynamic approach to help the employees get along with each other and work better together?
1. Theoretical Basis for Nursing
Read Chapters 10 and 11.
e-Library Resource
1. Comparison Between Two Nursing Theories: Rogers and Leddy
Read “Comparison Between Two Nursing Theories: Rogers and Leddy,” by Rahim, from Journal on Nursing (2016).
2. Experiencing Transitions: An Emerging Middle-Range Theory
Read “Experiencing Transitions: An Emerging Middle-Range Theory,” by Meleis, Sawyer, Im, Hilfinger Messias, and Schumacher, from Advances in Nursing Science (2000).
3. Integrating the Synergy Model for Patient Care at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Read “Integrating the Synergy Model for Patient Care at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin,” by Gralton and Brett, from the Journal of Pediatric Nursing (2012).
4. The Relationship of Nursing Students’ Spiritual Care Perspectives to Their Expressions of Spiritual Empathy
Read “The Relationship of Nursing Students’ Spiritual Care Perspectives to Their Expressions of Spiritual Empathy,” by Chism, from the Journal of Nursing Education (2009).
5. Using Symptom Management Theory to Explain How Nurse Practitioners Care for Children with Asthma
Read “Using Symptom Management Theory to Explain how Nurse Practitioners Care for Children with Asthma,” by Newcomb, from the Journal of Theory Construction & Testing (2010).
Today’s complex organizations often require the smooth, integrated functioning of teams across several functional areas. Leading of a team of diverse individuals is quite a challenge. Encouraging the effective collaboration of multiple teams of diverse individuals is even more challenging and requires skilled leaders who can understand and impart organizational vision to team members. Skilled leaders must also foster leadership skills in others to achieve collaboration and organizational success.
Imagine yourself in the complex situation of ensuring the integrated functioning of multiple teams. How prepared are you for such a challenge? What knowledge and skills will you need to acquire on your own leadership development journey to successfully prepare for such a challenge?
Leadership positions within teams can often be fluid and dynamic. Circumstances may require an individual to step forward and lead in some situations and then adopt the role of follower in others. As a leader, how do you know when it is appropriate to lead and when it is appropriate to follow? How can you foster leadership skills in your team members so they too feel confident enough to lead when the situation calls for it?
1. Theoretical Basis for Nursing
Read Chapters 12 – 20.
Electronic Resource
1. A Syndrome Produced by Diverse Nocuous Agents
Read “A Syndrome Produced by Diverse Nocuous Agents,” by Selye, from Nature (1936), located on the Psychiatry Online website.
2. Kurt Lewin: Groups, Experiential Learning and Action Research
Study the Kurt Lewin: Groups, Experiential Learning and Action Research page of the Infed website.
3. Learning Theories
Explore the Learning Theories page on the Instructional Design website.
4. Motivation to Learn: An Overview
Read “Motivation to Learn: An Overview,” located on the Educational Psychology Interactive website.
5. TQM/CQI Quality Links
Explore the TQM/CQI Quality Links website.
6. Theories of Pain: From Specificity to Gate Control
Read “Theories of Pain: From Specificity to Gate Control,” by Moayedi from the Journal of Neurophysiology (2013).
7. What Is Systems Theory?
Read “What Is Systems Theory?” by Heylighen and Joslyn, located on the Principia Cybernetica website.
e-Library Resource
1. Covering Content and Teaching Thinking: Deconstructing the Additive Curriculum
Read “‘Covering Content and Teaching Thinking: Deconstructing the Additive Curriculum,” by Ironside, from the Journal of Nursing Education (2004).
2. Evolution of Leadership in Nursing
Read “Evolution of Leadership in Nursing,” by Moiden, from Nursing Management (2002).
3. Linking Nursing Theory and Practice: A Critical-Feminist Approach
Read “Linking Nursing Theory and Practice: A Critical-Feminist Approach,” by Georges, from Advances in Nursing Science (2005).
4. Matching Theory to Practice
Read “Matching Theory to Practice,” by Welford, from Nursing Management (2002).
5. The Nursing Contribution to Ethical Decision Making
Read “The Nursing Contribution to Ethical Decision Making” by Dinten-Schmid, Stoffel, Staudacher, McDougall, Baumann-Hölzle, and Spirig, from International Practice Development Journal (2016).
1. Chaos at UMD
Explore the Chaos at UMD (University of Maryland) website.
2. Feminist Theory: Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
Explore the Feminist Theory page on the Center for Digital Discourse and Culture website.
Explore the website.
4. Six Sigma — What is Six Sigma?
Explore the Six Sigma — What is Six Sigma? website.
5. Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences
Explore the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences website.
Select a female leader that faced challenges based on gender and whose circumstances would be different if the leader had been male. What challenges did this female leader face in the business world? How did the female leader you selected overcome those challenges?
What characteristics result in toxic leadership? What are possible repercussions of toxic leadership? Provide a personal experience (do not disclose specific names) or public example of toxic leadership.
1. Advanced practice nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession
Read Chapters 28 and 29.
2. Theoretical Basis for Nursing
Read Chapters 21 and 22.
Electronic Resource
1. Economism, Efficiency, and the Moral Ecology of Good Nursing Practice
Read “Economism, Efficiency, and the Moral Ecology of Good Nursing Practice,” by Weiss, Malone, Merighi, and Benner, from the Canadian Journal of Nursing Research (2002), located on the McGill website.
e-Library Resource
1. Individual, Practice, and System Causes of Errors in Nursing: A Taxonomy
Read “Individual, Practice, and System Causes of Errors in Nursing: A Taxonomy,” by Benner, Sheets, Uris, Malloch, Schwed, and Jamison, from JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration (2002).
1. Apply Middle-Range Nursing Theory Grading Criteria.
Review “Apply Middle-Range Nursing Theory Grading Criteria.”
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