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Film Representation of Queer People

Since the beginning of the film industry, representations of gays and lesbians have undergone a significant evolution. This is because the industry has moved forward from conservativeness to a more liberal approach towards the depiction of queer people, as seen in the twenty first century. Queer relationships have achieved massive representation in film, allowing for the development of greater acceptance for them as well as their being looked upon in a more positive light (Gross 58). Therefore, the main objective of this study will be to ensure that there is a better understanding of queer representations in film and how it helps in the legitimization of their relationships within the mainstream society. This paper seeks to develop an understanding about the history behind film representations of queer people, the positive aspects of these representations, and the diverse challenges that are faced by queer people as a result.

Film portrayals of gay people in the mid-twentieth century were essentially quite conservative. This is especially the case where despite an increase in the number of people coming out of the closet, there was not widespread acceptance of them in society. The film Boys in the Band, directed by William Friedkin, is an example of the conservative view of society concerning homosexuality which was considered to be an affliction rather than a reality. This film shows the lives of young men who are coming to terms with their true sexual orientations and it is a story that depicts the realities concerning sexual minorities in the United States. It shows that despite the common perception in the 1970s that queer people were depraved individuals who went against societal norms, they are actually normal people whose actions are inspired by love rather than depravity. The actions that Michael takes towards making Alan come out of the closet seem to be inspired his feelings towards. Despite Michael’s attempts, Alan does not reciprocate these feelings because he is not gay; showing that queer people are not so different from heterosexual couples. However, the representations of queer people in film have come a long way from the attempts made by Friedkin and have evolved in such a way that has ensured that they are depicted in a more positive light where they are not only successful individuals, but have similar problems to those of other individuals in society. It is possible that the momentum of the LGBT movement and its successes have had a hand in making sure that more gay people are included in films with the intention of helping making the queer lifestyle part of the mainstream.

In addition, the image of queer people in film has evolved to such an extent that in the contemporary world, they are shown more positively. Elledge (38) states that queer people in the twenty first century are presented in film as individuals who are not only well-liked and successful, but also stable. This representation creates a picture of queer people being an integral and productive part of society who have overcome numerous challenges to achieve their rights. This is different from some representations in the twentieth century where gay people were often depicted as not only being weaklings and cowards, but also as inherently evil; creating an extremely negative perception of them in film. Gay people have become an integral part of society to such an extent that currently, they are represented in almost all sectors of the nation’s social life. Despite their being represented positively, queer people still have many hurdles to overcome in their film depictions, including taking an active part in the decision making concerning the accuracy of their representation in film. Furthermore, there are still very few openly gay actors taking up roles as gay people in film and this has ensured that a greater recognition of gay contributions to film has yet to be achieved. This is because gay characters in media, especially film, are extremely important in making sure that there is greater acceptance of gay people in society as well as the development of a sense of identity among them; helping in the creation of a more tolerant society.

The representation of queer people in film has brought to the fore the realizations that these individuals still have a lot of challenges to overcome. Among these is the accurate presentation of their everyday lives in such a way that they is as real as possible rather than ignoring it altogether. The depiction of queer people, not only on film, but also in newspapers, has been criticized for not actually showing the lives of gay people. This is especially the case where in film; their personal lives are for the most part ignored in favor of that concerning heterosexual couples. The depiction of the daily lives of sexual minorities on film seems to be a taboo in a majority of the film industry and this is a challenge to be overcome because it is highly discriminatory. This tendency has been followed by newspapers which in their lifestyle sections mostly do not consider sexual minorities with stories concerning their daily lives gaining very little coverage and attention being given only to heterosexuals. A study conducted by Gibson (90) shows that there is a discrepancy in the way that sexual minorities are represented in media which has ended up having an influence on their audiences. The personal lives of queer characters on film are not taken as seriously as those of characters in heterosexual relationships; creating an environment of subtle discrimination towards queer people. This is a major challenge especially considering that it shows how the historical perceptions concerning same sex relationships remain prevalent despite their acceptance in society.

In conclusion, the discussion above has developed an understanding concerning the history behind representations of queer people in film, the positive aspects of these representations, and the diverse challenges that are faced by queer people as a result. It has shown that the depictions of queer people in film, especially during the previous century, remained quite conservative, perhaps following societal norms.  However, the discussion has touched on how these depictions have evolved to such an extent that in the contemporary world, they are shown more positively. Finally, queer people, despite gaining an increasing level of recognition on film, have been shown to have numerous challenges to overcome in order to achieve the same status as heterosexual couples. There is need to ensure that more queer characters are represented on film because this is one of the ways through which the diversity of modern American society can be celebrated and act as a sign that sexual minorities have achieved full acceptance.

Case Study Analysis

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