RESEARCHE AC150 ONLINE RESEARCH PAPER WORTH: 25% = (20% Essay) + (5% Proposal) DUE DATE AND LATE PENALTY: SEE COURSE ADDENDUM FOR THIS SECTION’S DUE DATE.This assignment will be marked out of 20 (see below for more details).The essay portion of this mark can be submitted late; however,please notea late penalty will be applied. One mark for every day that the essay is late will be deducted(weekends included). For example, if you score a 16/20 on the essay, and it is two days late, you will receive a 14/20 overall.You will have oneweek maximumto submit the essay. If it is not submitted after the week deadline, you will receive a zero on this assignment unless you can provide medical or legal documentation.SUBMISSION METHOD:You will be asked to submit your essay through ‘SafeAssign’ –this isplagiarism-monitoring software. I will provide a link for you throughthe course site, anddon’t worry,it is very easy to use.**PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT POINTS:If for any reason, you believe that the essay was not submitted properlythrough SafeAssign, you can also send me a copy of your essay via e-mail BEFORE THE DUE DATE –this way, I will have proof that your essay was completed on time.Please double-check and be sure to submit the completed file. If the file cannot be opened, or is damaged, or you’ve submitted the wrong file, you may receive a zero.FORMAT: This is a formalacademic paper and must follow MLA format(as per Learning Outcomes). Youmust adhere to the guidelines below –Failure to neglect these requirements will potentially result in a loss of marks.Aproperly formatted MLA Works Cited pageandtitle page. For more information on how to create these documents, seethe ‘Major Paper’ folder under ‘Assignments’ (in the course site).This must be a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx)All pages must be numbered and include your last name (use the ‘Header and Footer’ option).You MUST submit via Safe Assignto receive a mark.You must also submit apoint-form outline. It will not be marked. It will be used for reference purposes. The paper is to be approximately 1000 words (not including quotations). There should be an appropriate number of quotations and evidence from your sources used in this essay also.A NOTE ABOUT PLAGIARISMEssays are tough, and you may be tempted to plagiarize. Do NOT plagiarize. If you download an essay, or re-word an essay, or have someone else re-word your essay, you are plagiarizing. For more information on what constitutes plagiarism, consult Seneca’s Academic Policy.If you are not sure if you’re plagiarizing, you’re probably plagiarizing.SUSPECTED PLAGIARISM WILL BE ADDRESSED IMMIEDIATELY AND REPORTED TO THE ACADEMIC HONESTY COMMITTEE. NATALIE ANKLESARIARESEARCHEAC150ONLINETOPIC/TASK:TOPIC:Write an essay exploringhow anauthor’s life experiences (events, people, places, lessons, etc.) may have inspired or affected his or her written work. You will be asked to use both secondary and primary sources to prove your claims.**Please choose an author from the list provided in this document (continue reading for more detail).Follow the steps below:1.Choose an author from the choices provided below. For academic honesty reasons, you must choose one authorfrom the list provided below. 2.Begin your research and look up what you can about this author’s life and works. You will be asked to write an essay on how events/people/lessons in this author’s real life may have affected his or her written work, so you might want to begin by researching the author’s life and by also looking into any criticism of this author’s works. Hint: Some of the authors have written essays in our course textbook –see if any of those essays appeal to you. 3.You will needa minimum of FOUR SOURCES(and a maximum of six):2 secondary sources (these are sources aboutthe author such as literary criticism or biographical information).2 primary sources (these are works written bythe author that you use to prove your analysisin youressay–one of these primary sources can be from the course textbook).4.Once you’ve gathered an abundance of material, start making some choices on what sources would bemost appropriate to use for this assignment. Choose relevant and credible sources. Googling may help youget started, but thelibrary is the best place to searchfor credible sources. You can always ask a librarian for help also.5.Try to keep your focus narrow also –you can’t possibly cover this author’s entire life in one short essay. Pick and choose your points of focus carefully.6.Complete the PROPOSAL. This is a small assignment where you will be asked to explore/explain your sources (basically an annotated bibliography). It will be postedin the class sitealso. Youwill get feedback from me on your choice of sources, etc.7.Begin the writing process. I would suggest 2-3 drafts before you complete the final version since this is a major paper. Also, try to allow for 2-3 days between drafts so that your mind is as fresh as possible.AUTHORS TO CHOOSE FROM:A.Amy TanB.Gabriel Garcia MarquezC.Malcolm XD.Gloria SteinemE.George OrwellNATALIE ANKLESARIARESEARCH EAC150ONLINEWHERE CAN I FIND ESSAYS OR STORIES WRITTEN BY THESE AUTHORS? WHERE CAN I FIND ARTICLES ABOUT THESE AUTHORS? HOW DO I GET MY RESEARCH STARTED?1.Check the textbook!Some of these authors are in our textbook, and if you check the table of contents, you might find them there. You can use one of those essays if you wish…2.Check other textbooks! Many of these authors might have essays in other course textbooks. You can go to the library and look around –all the other course textbooks are on hold there. 3.Check out Seneca’s databases! These databases are wonderful resources for finding secondary sources about your authors. Take a look online to see what you can find. Talk to a librarian or go to the “Learning Centre” to find out how you can access these sources.4.Go to your local library! Many of these authors have written newspaper articles or have published essays in sources that you can access at your local library.GRADING GUIDELINES:Considering that you will have the entire second half of the course to work on this essay, quality work is expected here: a well-researched, well-written, and impeccably citedessay.You will be marked using a similar scheme to the work you have already completed in this class (grammar, sentence structure, content, preparation, proper MLA format, critical reading and writing skills).Entire Assignment worth 25% of your gradeo5% for Proposal(See due date in Addendum)o20% for actual essay (See due date in Addendum)10 for style and grammar10 for content
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