When I was growing up, I used to love being alone in my bedroom and would spend as much time as possible there either reading or just being alone.  However, the tranquility or my solitude was shattered after the birth of my sister; the room became a beehive of activity with my parents and nurses streaming in and out not to mention her constant crying. Not that I had any hard feelings about her and the attention she got; however, I realized that my bedroom was not my space any more.

Nonetheless, I gradually came upon a place I could feel at home albeit in a different way; my new sanctuary was the football field in my high school. On gaining admittance, I was immediately enthralled by the huge space surrounded by high wall fence and metal bleachers on either side for the fans.  Here I found a sanctuary, not in silence or stillness but in action, speed, power and teamwork.

I played hundreds of games in the field from my freshman year right through to my final one. During this time, I experienced a spirit of comradeship with my teammates whom I could always trust to have my back irrespective of the situation. We won many games, lost at times but generally had an awesome time as members of the school team; as a result, I came to see the field as my second home and my teammates as an extension of my family.

When in the field, I feel most confident in my abilities even at times invincible in the face of opposition. My experience here has taught me about being a man and facing challenges as well as learning to live and co-operate with others in a team. As I leave this place for college, I hope to find another sanctuary where I can express myself openly through sports, arts, or even solitude.

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