Topic: Assignment 8: Topic: Measuring Quality Improvement and Satisfaction.

Assignment 7

Topic: Assignment 8: Topic: Measuring Quality Improvement and Satisfaction. This week reading on Chapter 37.


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Summary: Chapter 37

Reflection is sometimes referred to as a process that occurs internally and in isolation. A Reflection-in-Action is a reflective process where one is able to reflect and act from our experiences. It is a time to reflect on activities or events of a moment in time and explore feelings, thoughts, reactions and impact of our current and future selves. It is an internal process for practicing being in the moment and for broadening our consciousness. You are to prepare Reflection-in-Action in which you explore the concepts you have learned each week

Directions: Each Reflection-in-Action Entry should be 400 words in length, are to utilize APA 6th Edition. Discuss and reflect on the topic in terms of:

a.     How the content and assignments met the course objective(s)?

b.     Provide examples of actual or potential applications of the course week’s course concepts.

c.     Successes or challenges that you had for the week in terms of the course content.

IMPORTANT: summary reflection of your experience since it’s the last reflection paper- in terms of application during your transition to the role of bachelor degree level nurse.

Assignment Rubric:

CriteriaSuperiorAbove AverageCompetentBelowStandardFar Below Standard
TimelinessReflective  Assignment submitted on timeReflective  Assignment submitted  on timeReflective  Assignment submitted on timeReflective  submitted 1 day late( If no extension granted)Reflective submitted more than 1day late. OR  No post (Receives 0)( If no extension granted)
ContentFully responds to all questions in prompt and answers each completely.Answers all questions without fully developing answers for eachAnswers all questions without fully developing answers for eachAnswers some of the questions but does not fully develop answersOff topic or not responsive to prompt.
AccuracyEntries contain accurate information and properly cited referencesEntries contain accurate information but references are cited improperly.Entries contain accurate information and properly cited referencesEntries do not contain any references..Entries are speculative and unsupported.
Integration OfKnowledgeDemonstrates that the author fully understands and has applied conceptslearned in the course at a superior level. Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights. The writer provides concluding remarksthat show analysis and synthesis of ideas.Demonstrates that the author understands and has applied concepts learned in thecourse. Conclusions are supported in the body of the reflection.Demonstrates that the author, for the most part, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Some of the conclusions,however, are not supported in the body of the reflection.Demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course.Does not demonstrate that the author has fully understood and applied concepts learned in the course.
Writing  Style, Formatting and Conventions3 or more references are used to support opinions and justify recommendations. Excellent writing with no grammar, APA or spelling errors2 references that support opinions and recommendations. Above average writing with no grammar, APA or spelling errors.2 references that support opinions and recommendations. Sufficient writing with 1-4 grammar, APA or spelling errors.1 reference that supports  opinion on policy and recommendations for changes. 5-10 APA/Grammar and/or spelling errors.Opinions and recommendations not well supported, >10APA/Grammar and/or spelling

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